FLAC Dr. Strangely Strange - Kip of the Serenes (1969) - [Albums]

Albums 28-07-2024, 16:34

Dr. Strangely Strange - Kip of the Serenes (1969) [VINYL] [FLAC 24-96] [Xhollah's Exquisite Stuff]..rar

FLAC Dr. Strangely Strange - Kip of the Serenes (1969)
Label Timeless
Nombre de pistes 10
Genre Folk

1 - Strangely Strange but Oddly Normal [04:31]
2 - Dr Dim & Dr Strange [07:36]
3 - Roy Rogers [05:40]
4 - Dark-Haired Lady [04:26]
5 - On the West Cork Hack [02:35]
6 - A Tale of Two Orphanages [03:51]
7 - Strings in the Earth and Air [01:53]
8 - Ship of Fools [06:20]
9 - Frosty Mornings [03:57]
10 - Donnybrook Fair [08:52]

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